To meet the growing need for connectivity: expanding the range of data throughpu

In an increasingly connected world, the demand for reliable and high-performing telecommunications solutions has never been higher. Businesses, educational institutions, healthcare providers, retail shops, and more require constant access to high-speed internet to remain competitive, connected, and informed.

The challenges of connectivity

This demand is increasing because it is a key factor of competitiveness. Indeed, the quality of connectivity fosters creativity, responsiveness, and productivity by providing smooth access to the most efficient services, particularly cloud services. For example:

  • Platform as a Service (PaaS) allowing developers to build, deploy, and manage applications.
  • Software as a Service (SaaS) such as Microsoft 365 & Teams or Salesforce (Customer Relationship Management (CRM) platform) for office suite and communication.
  • Cloud storage.
  • Cloud for data analytics, for example, Google’s BigQuery.
  • Cloud services for Developers such as GitHub (collaborative development platform for hosting and reviewing code, managing projects, and building software).

Our commitment and the contribution of our new catalogue

You already benefit from the performance and resilience of the Orange network. Recognizing these challenges, we have decided to enrich our catalogue with advanced telecommunications solutions, prioritizing the quality-price ratio.

Our goal is to provide FTTH Access customers with the best of the Orange network with this new 4Gbps/8Gbps throughput, offering even more bandwidth and symmetry to meet the usage demands of cloud services, which have data flows in both directions for sites with teams working simultaneously.

This offer is available in 4 million homes, and a plan is underway to increase the number of eligible homes.


The enrichment of our catalog is a direct response to the growing need for connectivity in the telecommunications world. We are committed to providing solutions that not only meet current expectations but also anticipate the future needs of our customers.

Stay connected and explore our offer to discover how our services can transform your customers’ connectivity experience.