Our Network Infrastructure Solutions

Fixed Network Infrastructure Solutions

Mobile Network Infrastructure Solutions
Fixed Network Infrastructure Solutions
Civil Engineering Offers

Support services for the Civil Engineering Infrastructure access solution
Get support for your studies and deployments using Orange’s civil engineering infrastructures and utility poles.

Optical Local Loop Civil Engineering Infrastructure (OLL CEI)
Independently deploy your network using Orange’s civil engineering infrastructures and utility poles.
Optimum Backbone dark fibre offerings

Optimum Backbone SNCF Réseau Nationale et Locale
Build an optical backbone for yourself and your customers with our dark fibre rental solutions.

Hosting in shared space
Orange provides the technical environment to install your equipment.

Dedicated co-location
Host your equipment in our capacity services and activated DSL services dedicated spaces.

Equipment hosting in Orange’s Optical Local Loop
Host your equipment in Orange permises to gain access to fibre optic local loops.
Shared Connection Points

Shared Connection Points (SCP)
Increase your throughput in areas where a fibre optic project has yet to be implemented.

Prestations d’Accompagnement Points de Raccordements Mutualisés
Montez en compétence rapidement sur l’offre Points de Raccordements Mutualisés et approfondissez vos connaissances.
Subscriber Connection Node/optical Connection Node Collection

Fiber Optic Connection (FOC)
Collect all your traffic using Orange’s backhaul optical fibre network from Orange Subscriber Connection Nodes where your network equipment can be hosted or connected.
Provision of preliminary information about orange’s local loop infrastructures

Provision of Preliminary Information about Orange’s Local Loop Infrastructures
Get the information necessary to deploy your network and gain a competitive advantage by using information supplied by Orange Wholesale France to develop your business.
Point-to-point connection

Broadband Virtual Private Network (BVPN)
Connect distant sites with superfast broadband over a large part of France with a wide choice of throughputs and multiple levels of service quality.

Core Wave
Interconnectez divers établissements d’un Opérateur situés dans des zones géographiques données (zones de couverture du service) grâce à la fourniture d’une liaison Backbone point à point 1Gb à 100Gb.
Subsea capacity

Subsea capacity
Connect overseas territories with superfast broadband.
The Subsea capacity solution gives access to a permanent transmission capacity between two subsea cable landing stations, located between overseas territories, or between an overseas department and mainland France. This allows overseas territories to be connected with superfast broadband.
Mobile Network Infrastructure Solutions
Mobile Ethernet Core

Core Ethernet Mobile 2 – CEM 2
Connect all of your mobile sites to your central sites via Orange’s Ethernet network.
Backhaul solution

Integrated Access to Mobile Operator Capillary Networks (IAMOCN)
Meet the specific needs of mobile operators looking for an easy way to increase their throughput.

Dark-fiber based backhaul solutions for mobile sites
Connect your mobile sites to your backbone network with dedicated fibers.