At Orange Wholesale we bring together our technical skills and sales force to support our customers and always provide them with the highest standard of service. In this growing business, collaborating with datacenter providers is key to anticipate our customers’ future needs in terms of location, bandwidth and diversity.
Orange Wholesale and Telehouse, one of the leading international data center players with a major position in France, have been working hand-in-hand for years to leverage resources and capabilities to provide the bestin- class level of service. Partnering with Telehouse helps us to expand our footprint in order to offer more competitive and innovative solutions.
We offer robust infrastructures to reach Telehouse data centers everywhere in the world and notably in key connectivity hubs. For Sami Slim, Managing Director France at Telehouse, “Telehouse relies on 45 data centers in more than 20 cities around the globe. Our data centers serve as vital hubs, connecting clients to a diverse range of carriers, ISPs, internet exchanges, cloud service providers and fellow data center operators. Beyond serving as data centers, we function as a global connectivity hub, facilitating international business operations and positioning our customers at the core of a dynamic network driving the digital future”.
As capacity needs continue to grow, the Marseille Hub is expected to become the 5th largest connectivity spot thanks to additional submarine cables in the near future. As Franck Morales explains, VP Marketing & Business Development at Orange Wholesale International, “Marseille benefits from a strategic position in connecting submarine cables coming from Africa, Middle-East and Asia to the main connectivity hubs in Europe located in FLAP (Frankfurt, London, Amsterdam, Paris). Today, we can count at least 14 subsea cables landing in Marseille and Orange Wholesale has a leading position in the services delivered to submarine cable operators. In order to do so, we rely on our connectivity network providing our customers resiliency, reliability and scalability, thanks to our team’s expertise.” For Younès Stouky, Head of Product Marketing at Orange Wholesale International, “with such extensive networks and services across the world, Orange Wholesale meets all connectivity requirements with the highest quality of service. We continue to invest in new infrastructure in order to provide the most reliable, future-proof and flexible solutions that submarine cable operators can expect.”