Public cloud usage is increasing significantly, with no end in sight. The public cloud market is growing at a compound annual rate of more than 22% and is expected to reach more than $1.1 billion in the U.S. by 2023.
Network connections to the cloud must deliver the uptime, security and performance required to meet your most urgent business demands and most stringent SLAs. Depending on your needs, several solutions are available. This is why we provide you with direct, secure, and high performance access to public cloud providers through 3 featured offers.
EVPL sets up a dedicated private connection between your customers’ sites worldwide and cloud service providers, with a high-performance and low RTD connectivity solution.
Rely on your IP Transit link to reach public cloud service providers, with the most cost-effective solution
Connect with public cloud service providers with our easy, cost-effective and performant offer. Our service provides you with enhanced QoS and SLA for business critical cloud traffic.
Recommended for our IP Transit customers
Recommended for our IP Transit customers