Enabling content providers to distribute best quality content with optimal performance across Africa, that is the Orange commitment!
Continuous investment in the deployment of an Africa-wide Content Delivery Network, the development of our network of IP Transit PoPs and ongoing support for an ever-rising IP traffic make this commitment possible.
The Orange CDN Select API can be integrated within websites or mobile applications swiftly and simply. It relies on a CDN with a solid and continuously expanding footprint across Africa.
The API mechanism is based on the end-user’s IP address. As soon as the request for specific content is received by the Content Provider’s server, the API will send confirmation that this content can be served from an Orange CDN. Once confirmed, the Content Provider’s server will return the appropriate URL according to the outcome of the API request. This makes the delivery faster and smoother!
From live video streaming to music or application downloading, content can be delivered through the Orange CDN Select API on any device, at home, on the go or at a friend’s place. It ensures that all user expectations are met as content consumption continues to grow exponentially.
And what’s more, Orange experts accompany every Content Provider in their multi-CDN strategy thanks to this API.
Orange provides a single point of contact and a contract to access its entire CDN across Africa. Content delivery is orchestrated on a mastered network by Orange traffic management which includes capacity planning managed by Orange. Transit and CDN highly skilled technical teams work together with each customer to ensure smart performance.
Among the multiple benefits feature: ease-of-use, pay-as-you-deliver per GB, cache feeding traffic included, a customized dashboard.
Content can be optimized and delivered directly within local networks thus reducing transit costs and latency, and improving user experience.
121 million customers today across the African the continent recognize the Orange hallmark of reliability, high quality and secure connectivity.
Orange aims to further enhance the customer experience! More PoPs are being launched since they offer cost-effective network access that will bring content providers closer to Internet users. Wholesale customers and content providers, in particular telecoms operators and ISPs, across the region will soon have access to:
With a strategic position around the African and Middle East continent, thanks to its existing IP and IPX PoPs in Jordan, Ivory Coast and South Africa, Orange is able to further address the market’s needs with a range of services for customers: IP transit, Ethernet and IPX. Orange is also investing in a pan-African terrestrial backbone.
The CDN Select API is currently available for delivery across the whole Media Delivery Boost footprint in Cameroon, Guinea Conakry, Ivory Coast, Mali, Nigeria, DRC, South Africa, Tunisia.
With continued and dynamic development underway, Orange projects additional points of presence in 2020 to meet further expectations from our customers.
Developing quality connectivity across Africa and the Middle East, goes on and on!