
Looking after your digital needs

On 02-11-2020
Reading time : 2 minutes


The digital watershed moment

Our current watershed moment has in some way propelled digital transformation to the forefront of everyone’s strategic agenda, in what is fast becoming a digital world. Increasingly, digital solutions complement human interventions, by streamlining administration tasks, information checks, and enabling automated requests for products for example. Consequently, the winners of 2020 and beyond will be the ones who embrace the paradigm change to move towards digital communication platforms and help customers address the big transformation. Success in becoming a digital communication platform champion will involve a 360-degree commitment to the customer’s digital lifecycle.

The Orange approach

"For several years already, Wholesale International has provided its customers with an exclusive digital space to keep in touch directly and instantly. One of the main existing features is of course invoicing, and customers can already consult documents, collect bills and track them historically in their reserved digital space. Monitoring and reporting facilities are also available on many of our services, and these allow customers to make factbased decisions using accurate, up-to-date information.

Customers can also enjoy online trouble ticketing, now completely redesigned to make it easier to open a ticket and declare an incident. We are also adding new modules to customers’ digital space to order services with an intuitive customer journey. This increases the speed and efficiency of service delivery, such as on Ethernet Virtual Private Line and IP Transit. And, to help customers organise their daily activity we notify them as soon as new information is published in their digital space.

To continue enhancing our services, we will be pleased to gather all feedback in order to better serve you!”

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