Preparing for the cyber hack attack anytime, anywhere
Cyber-attacks continue to skyrocket as the digital transformation moves on in leaps and bounds.
In an era that favours connectivity anywhere, anytime, the super hackers are watching… They have found a cool way to make millions and are constantly on top of the game with ultra-sophisticated tools and methods. Ransomware attacks are now growing by 350%1 annually and the average cost of a cyber-data breach has risen from $4.9 million in 2017 to $7.5 million in 20182.
Build a cyber secure future
Cyberdefense is a developing sector of carriers’ activity with 10 to 15% growth per year, based on two key elements: size and proximity. Size firstly, because today’s threats are global, complex and require adapted protection capabilities. Proximity, because in this world of global IT, businesses need a reliable local partner to secure their strategic assets.
Innovating to stay one step ahead: the Orange approach
Through Orange Cyberdefense, Orange has developed a robust portfolio of protection to help prevent attacks before they take place. Our method is to be continually cyber-innovative and to strive for full network protection. We work with in-house experts and specialist partners to devise solutions that will defend and grow the customer value. We offer local defense teams in all our major markets to increase our ability to anticipate attacks, and together, these factors position us as a leading partner in cyberdefense.
Let’s be cyber secure and ensure that we build a solid digital future together
If carriers are to drive our industry forward and evolve with high-speed change, we have a responsibility to reinforce its digital foundations. Connectivity and data transmissions need to be fully secure. This is neither an option nor a differentiator today, it’s an imperative. We’re heading for an all-digital future so we must provide detection and protection for our customers.
At Orange Wholesale International, we believe that being solely a worldwide wholesaler is far from being enough nowadays. Our customers need to feel safe and secure with their services and they need the right support to have their defences in place: earlier rather than later.