A responsive, flexible and tailor-made solution which uses an intelligent algorithm to provide you with optimal price, routing options, quality of service and Origin Based Routings.
At Orange, we are constantly proposing new products and solutions to ensure optimal service for our customers, and we are now launching our full IP Hubbing Dynamic offer. This is a responsive and tailor-made solution, capable of adapting to your every need.
This offer incorporates a highly intelligent algorithm, taking into account optimal price, best routing options, adapted quality level and Origin Based Ratings. It is inherently flexible and relies on the 400 direct connections we are proposing. This Smart Routing is automatic and updates in real time to reflect any changes in the market, which shortens delivery periods and enhances your overall efficiency. And of course, you can benefit from our extended network with 8 international voice platforms.
This agile service begins and ends with you. It is a personalized, reactive solution, which is able to assimilate all your preferences. The Hubbing Dynamic offer is just one of the many Voice solutions available for you at Orange.