We live in a world full of uncertainty and complexity and the current unprecedented sanitary crisis that we are facing only amplifies this. We therefore have to constantly adapt and reinvent the way we do business. This agility has become a ‘must have’, as it enables organizations to embrace change and volatility as an opportunity and in many ways, it is now a differentiator for success. Size alone will not suffice, as strength without agility is merely a mass. That’s why at Orange, we place agility at the heart of everything we do, not only for ourselves, but also for our customers.
Agility is about shortening the feedback loop with our customers and our employees. At Orange, we take every opportunity to listen to your comments and respond by incorporating it into our wide range of valuable solutions and experiences so that they are fully adapted to your needs. Leveraging our innovative strengths, we experiment design-thinking to co-develop our solutions with you and improve your future digital customer journey.
In addition, we nurture agility end-to-end, throughout the whole ecosystem. This means partnering with agile vendors and providers that embrace similar principles, thus enhancing and complementing our capabilities.
Agility is not only rooted in our practices, but also in the architectural make-up of our organization. We know that a collaborative working environment with engaged and driven teams is a key motivator of high performance. To achieve this, we therefore establish ties between teams, maximizing participation, innovation and communication. Once united, we are equipped to complete ambitious projects efficiently and overcome any obstacles that come our way.
With the markets evolving at an unprecedented rate, traditional business methods are no longer adequate. Instead, an organizational transformation and mindset make-over has to take place. At the end of the day, agility is an attitude, a way of being and thinking, which is why at Orange we live agile for the benefit of our customers.