Orange Wholesale International is back in Dubai on February 6 – 8, 2024, for the annual Capacity Middle East meeting. This key event includes a blend of keynotes with all-star line-ups, as well as webinars and content sessions focused on the main trends in the regional ICT infrastructure ecosystem. This is why Orange Wholesale International is on the forefront of innovation and a privileged partner of the Wholesale industry.
Make an appointment with our sales representatives now and visit us in meeting rooms #255-1&2, 257.
Don’t miss the keynote panel with Amin ElRrabie : How has international interest in the Middle East forged the region’s growth?
Wednesday February 7th, 2024 | 10:20 to 11:20 am (local time) | Conference Room – Almeera Ballroom
Amin ElRrabie
Vice President of Sales, ME region
Orange Wholesale International
Growing OTT and hyperscale interest have helped elevate capacity and quality of connectivity in the Middle East, as it responds to elevated demand in content and other advanced technology use cases.
This session discusses:
At Orange, we rely on a new generation flexible network backed by over 450,000 km of submarine cables, 45,000 km of terrestrial fiber network, and 1000+ PoPs. As a global player, we are proud to capitalize on our extensive retail experience in 26 countries. As one of the world’s leading telecommunications operators we owe our customers ever better connectivity.
We have been involved in numerous cable and roaming partnerships. AMITIE is the latest submarine cable project in which we are involved. And more are on the way. More than 271 million customers worldwide rely on our expertise, because we provide solutions and tools that meet your needs and help you maintain a competitive edge.
Orange Wholesale International is a global and integrated player present in both retail and wholesale markets. Our comprehensive product portfolio includes roaming, voice, messaging, IP&Content, bandwidth, and security/anti-fraud solutions. Our strong wholesale-retail partnerships drive the quality and innovation that stimulate new uses and keep us at the forefront of value creation.
In wholesale, our proven background and policy of building long-term partnerships has earned us the trust of carriers and service providers worldwide. In 2023, Orange Wholesale International got a record-breaking number of awards and assessments from the industry, demonstrating once again that we are your trusted partner! At the same time, we are anticipating the trends of the market, notably to address your increasing content needs.
As international interest continues to grow in the Middle East, there is strong potential for regional and overseas telco players to collaborate to connect players in the Middle East with markets like Europe and Africa. This is why Orange has local affiliates in the middle east such as Orange Egypt and Orange Jordan we can rely one.
If basic access to the Internet remains key, security solutions are on the rise as the region is adopting cloud services, and a lot of businesses are shifting from on-premises models to shared services. Hence, there is a lot of infrastructure work that’s being done on the ground, so that can provide an opportunity for related businesses within Orange Wholesale. At the same time, the 110 million population of Egypt, with 60% under 25 years old, offers a huge potential for young generations using social networks, contents and 5G.
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