
Orange Wholesale International: your perfect match – by Emmanuel Rochas, CEO of Orange Wholesale International

On 13-04-2022
Reading time : 4 minutes

The importance of tailoring solutions to match our customers’ evolving business expectations is something we take very seriously at Orange Wholesale International, as we are convinced that it is central to your long-term success. So much so that we have made “business match” one of our key strategic drivers, building our solutions to enable this new way of creating value.

A perfect business match is a complete and multifaceted endeavor. It must fulfill your overall requirements relating to trust and security, reach, portfolio, digitalization, support and intelligent tools now and into the future. No operator is the same, as each one of them tackles different markets, challenges and realities, which results in varied sets of expectations and requirements. 

Creating a 360° business match with our intelligent network, secure telecom solutions and digital tools

You are looking for a full-service partner you can trust and that can offer you secure telecom solutions in order to expand your business and that of your customers even further. Orange is one of the leaders in this field with a 25-year track record in information security, offering a mix of experts, technologies and processes to design the cybersecurity services that support you throughout the entire threat lifecycle. 

Then, of course, we understand that you want a partner that provides you with a depth of reach and a service portfolio, which are adapted to your size, the market and locations where you operate, and the types of customers you serve. Our 3-level value proposition (Essential, Dynamic and Intense), our evolving multi-service packages and our intelligent network bringing you global connectivity anytime, anywhere, on any device, achieve just that.

Going one step further, we have rolled out digital tools such as our Click platform and online ordering portal, which help match your needs, your time for a digital interaction, so that self-serve is at your fingertips. We continue to nurture personalized human interactions and support, through our 20 local offices on 4 continents, which makes us global with a local touch. Last but not least, we can meet in person at most international and regional wholesale telecom events

Connecting telecom operators and their customers with a solid and long-lasting partner, thanks to Orange's global coverage, infrastructure, commitment to innovation, environmental and social governance

Furthermore, we can help you match your own customers’ expectations. Through our daily interaction with our 26 Orange retail affiliates and 266 million end-users, we have a deep understanding of the challenges you face in your respective retail markets, and the complex reality of addressing today’s end customers. We can therefore capitalize on that to help you create value for your own customers, as a true partner would. 
We are one of a handful of carriers able to truly innovate to match future expectations, as we benefit from Orange’s 5,000 research power resources and yearly R&D spending of €643 million. We can also tap into our innovations about banking, AI and the upcoming meta-world to help us deploy the technology, solutions, and tools of the future. 

Last but not least, Orange is a committed business partner actively promoting a corporate social responsibility policy which answers your customers’ growing expectations for a smart, secure and sustainable world.

At the end of the day, we must be doing something right, as 90% of our customers say that they would recommend us. So, the perfect association may not exist, but your perfect business match definitely does - between you and Orange Wholesale International. 

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