Orange Wholesale International returns to Dubai on March 7 - 9 for the annual Capacity Middle East meeting. This key event includes a blend of exciting global keynotes with all-star line-ups, as well as webinars and content sessions focused on the main trends in the Middle Eastern ICT infrastructure ecosystem. To ensure an optimal level of service, a large bandwidth and low latency, a powerful and secure interconnection are crucial. This is why Orange is on the forefront of innovation and a privileged partner of the Wholesale industry. Make an appointment with our sales representatives now!
Meeting rooms: 255-1&2, 257
A direct result is our flexible product portfolio, with three service levels across our ranges of solutions: Essential, Dynamic and Intense. From there, we go the extra mile to bring you the best of both worlds with our digital Click platform, which is underpinned by personalized human support no matter where you are in the world. At Orange we have the long-term vision, the capabilities, and most importantly the will to be your trusted partner as we continue our journey beyond connectivity.
At Orange, we rely on a new generation flexible network backed by over 450,000 km of submarine cables, 45,000 km of terrestrial fiber network, and 450 PoPs. As a global player, we are proud to capitalize on our extensive retail experience in 26 countries. But we don’t rest on our laurels. As one of the world’s leading telecommunications operators we owe our customers ever better connectivity. Last year, we were involved in many cable and roaming partnerships (Medusa, ETECSA, Gold Data, One & One). With more than 271 million customers worldwide, we deliver solutions and tools that meet your needs and help you maintain a competitive edge.
Orange Wholesale International is an integrated player present in both retail and wholesale markets. Our comprehensive product portfolio includes messaging, roaming, voice, IP&Content, bandwidth, and security/anti-fraud solutions. Our strong wholesale-retail partnerships drive the quality and innovation that stimulate new uses and keep us at the forefront of value creation. In wholesale, our proven track record and our policy of building long-term partnerships has earned us the trust of carriers and service providers all around the world. The awards and assessments from the industry we received in 2022 demonstrate once again that we are your trusted partner!
As international interest continues to grow in the Middle East, there is strong potential for regional and overseas telco players to collaborate to connect players in the Middle East with markets like Europe and Africa. Fueled by the number of networks, in particular the subsea activity throughout this region, we speak to key international operators expanding capacity in this region about what makes the Middle East the prime market to be involved in.