
Powering your journey to the Futures

On 03-10-2022
Reading time : 6 minutes

At Orange Wholesale International, we believe that to remain relevant in a fast-transforming market, wholesalers need to reinvent themselves. But smart innovation is not about chasing rainbows. It’s about giving our customers what they’re asking for, empowering them to fulfil their own expectations. We call it building ways to the Futures. And that’s why our digital transformation programme is all about, turning your ideas into reality. In terms or provisioning, service, network and security innovation, we listened and we took action!

Your ideas lead our provisioning innovation

The very first thing you requested was to get faster and simpler feedbacks from us. So we innovated to offer smoother processes and a seamless customer experience. We started to digitalize and automate all our internal ordering, invoicing and ticketing tools and processes. You can now benefit from self-service procurement with our EVPL, IP Transit, IPL and Call Collect Numbers products, available through our online Click portal. Our comprehensive digitalization program succeeded in cloudifying 50% of our applications, 33% of which are now even reachable via APIs

Results were significant, as speed-to-market has been cut from weeks to minutes for part of our solutions. 

Feedback from eligible customers strongly supports these innovations, a flowless migration to our new homemade Voice application server, thousands of tailored customer specific routings created, and Net Promoter Score climbing 20 points when using our digital tools.

Your ideas lead our service innovation

We also have to innovate by providing you with new value-added solutions. We started by introducing our 3-tiered value proposition (Essential, Dynamic and Intense) to address your specific needs and provide you with a clearer proposal. On top of that, in order to bring the best quality at the most competitive price for your voice business, we developed a new Deal Management IT Tool, which automatically and instantly provides the best voice routing options using AI and machine-learning, based on customer-specific cost and quality requirements.

Finally, to help you retain value on key markets, we also deployed Voice Corridors, giving diaspora retail operators stable revenues with over 70 voice routes at discounted rates. And we’re gradually introducing unlimited traffic options to these corridors.

Your ideas lead our network innovation

We can’t bring you the innovations you require if we don’t continue to innovate on the very channel we use to deliver them: our network. That’s why we keep investing to extend and modernize our global network under the seas, in space and on the land. It’s not only about adding more PoPs and pulling cables. It’s about bringing you low latency and large bandwidth to future-proof this network. We also went a step further with the creation of our New Generation International Network, which merges the footprint of our international B2B network with the bandwidth of our wholesale network, helping our customers save and scale.

Your ideas lead our security innovations

Another priority you mentioned was to strengthen your capabilities to fight against fraud and benefit from enhanced security solutions. So we created 360° Checkup, an innovative approach to fraud prevention, based on an audit covering all 3 main businesses of our customers: voice, mobile, data. 360° Checkup comes with a detailed report on vulnerabilities and actionable insights to allow you to curb all known types of telecoms fraud and threats across all your networks. And we’ve definitely not been all the way down this road, as we keep investing to bring our services closer to the “wholesale as a platform” business model and our customers nearer to zero-touch provisioning. So that at the end of the day, you can embark on your own journey to the Futures.


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