
Unified National Networks (UNN) of Brunei expands roaming coverage with Roaming Global eXchange

On 24-05-2022
Reading time : 3 minutes

Established in 2019, UNN is a government-linked organization that merges three telcos in Brunei, namely, DST, Progresif, and Imagine. They are now the major controller of network infrastructures for these three telcos and continue the partnerships of these companies with Orange.

Providing advanced technologies and efficient support

UNN Brunei provides services on Brunei Darussalam’s digital communication as well as offering telecommunication services to clients locally and in abroad. They chose Orange Wholesale International for its tailor-made offers that answers their needs. According to Haji Mohammad Alimin Bin Haji Yahya, International Roaming Coordinator of UNN: “We chose Orange because it is one of the largest names in the telecom industry who were able to offer us exclusive services such as roaming app, signaling services, and roaming solutions. They provide us with advanced technologies and efficient support on customer service”

Expanding roaming reach

UNN wanted to open and expand their roaming services to countries they never had footprint in. Mohammad Saifful Awang Bakri, UNN’s International Roaming Manager mentions: “Thanks to their roaming hub service, Orange was able to expand our services to hubs we never had access to, especially in the African region. Plus, using Roaming Global eXchange allows us to establish the services very quickly in the country of choice. This works well when we have delegates visiting these countries and we are able to establish a strong connection in the localization.”

Excellent service from support teams and online

With three telcos under the company, UNN Brunei requires a lot of support services from their providers. Account management and technical teams from Orange provide excellent quality of service according to Mohammad. He adds: “If there is a problem that occurs in the network, we can easily reach out to the technical team of Orange and, in turn, assure our business partners that all is under control.”

Apart from the swift response from their support teams, through the help of Orange Wholesale International’ customer portal Click, they can raise incidents seamlessly and have easy access to key services, such as reporting, online.

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