SMS Control

Secure your network and optimize your SMS revenues

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SMS Control is a security solution to protect all International incoming SMS roaming and interworking traffic against fraud and bypass


trophy Complete solution to protect all international SMS traffic

. A centralized platform analyzing all international incoming SMS traffic to protect against any kind of SMS fraud and bypass in real time

. Secure remote access to configure the filtering rules

trophy Get a fully secured network with IC offers

SMS Control coupled with SMS Fraud Detection helps to fully secure the network

trophy Benefit from dedicated training and daily support

. Global presentation of the service and real demos of MO/MT fraud with mobiles

. Connection to MNO’s SMS Control with already migrated traffic. All fraud cases are simulated


favourite Protect your international SMS traffic and increase your SMS revenues
favourite Rely on a strategic SMS A2P partner
favourite Benefit from the strong expertise of the our security teams

We are an associate member of the GSMA

The service has been designed in response to the OECD's Code of Practice and definitions

  • Types of spam and fraud eradicated: - spamming - faking - flooding – spoofing.
  • Prevents: - unpleasant unsolicited messages - reception of SMS that the end-user does not have to pay for.
  • Billing conflicts with the roaming partners or with the end-users may be prevented.

Real time analysis of your SMS traffic

  • Messages are proactively analysed to detect whether or not they are spam or fraudulent, then they are eliminated
  • You have access to your own customized and secured web-based interface to implement and manage your own filtering rules, your reports and alerts

  • You will be asked to configure specific routings to the SMS Control platform depending on the usage (if any) of mobile number portability in your country.*
  • However, no investment is not required to implement the service.
  • You will benefit from training managed by our security experts

A business model with no Capex

  • You will benefit from a financial saving compared to a local investment in a platform (OPEX mode # CAPEX mode)
  • Investment in a local platform also requires you to recoup/write off the cost
  • You will only pay a monthly fixed package price based on the monthly average number of SMS per second

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